In Memory

Nancy Livingston

Nancy Livingston

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11/20/19 11:51 AM #5    

Barbara Horovitz (Brown)

Some people are just classy. Nancy was one of them. She did things without drawing attention to herself, whether it was her charitable work or her fighting a terrible disease. May her memory be a blessing. 


11/20/19 09:52 PM #6    

Bennett Tramer

So sad to hear about Nancy, a terrific girll when I knew her way back when and from what I just read a fabulous, generous woman who will be missed and remembered by many.  (And thank you, Torchy, not easy breaking sad news like this...)

11/21/19 07:53 PM #7    

Leslie Jaffe (Miller)

So sad to hear of Nancy's passing.  It sounds like she dod so much good work in her life and she will be missed by many for many reasons. Thank you for sending the obituary.  It was wonderful.  

11/21/19 11:36 PM #8    

Ronald Adrine (Adrine)

Allow me to add my condolences to Nancy's family.  I agree with everything that has already been stated.  Nancy really was a special person.  We got a chance to catch up a little at the last reunion and we were supposed to hook up the next time that I got to San Francisco.  I am so sorry that I failed to make good on that promise.  I will always remember her smile and her vibrant personality!

11/22/19 12:12 PM #9    

Donna Beran (Steadman)

It's always especially sad when someone so vibrant passes away.  Nancy & I lived just a few houses apart on Rye Rd. and, for a while, rode to school together.  She sometimes ran late in the mornings, but always came bounding out of the house with a big smile on her face.  I'm glad to know  that she lived such a loving and fulfilliing life.


11/22/19 12:14 PM #10    

Larry Terkel

Nancy and I were both adopted and that bond brought us closer and closer over the years. My wife helped her find her biological parents and she developed a relationship with siblings that she never had growing up. She was a shining light in my life. Our son lived in San Francisco for about 10 years and he got to know her as well. I will miss those visits and all our "phone dates" over the years.

We shared yoga and meditation and swimming. (Remember, she was into synchronized swimming.)

Her nine year battle with cancer was heroic. She was determined to wring every drop of joy out of her life while she was still here. She was one of the most positive people I have ever known.

She became my cosmic sister. I will miss her more than words can express.

11/22/19 10:01 PM #11    

Maxine Isaacs

I viewed it as a huge gift when Nancy and I were reconnected about ten years ago. Friends at the National Theatre in London who knew us both figured it out  and  put us (back) together. When she and the wonderful Fred were in Washington or when I was in San Francisco we would make a point of getting together. It felt like a miracle to find someone I'd known so long ago with whom I, 50 years later, still had so much in common, only starting with a love of theatre. Although she didn't see it this way she was absolutely heroic during her last, long battle with cancer. She never lost her sense of humor, her pragmatic approach to her illness, her love of life, and her courage. Fred was with her every step of the way and was a big source of her happiness and her strength. I will miss her always. 

11/23/19 07:55 AM #12    

Edward Torchy Smith

This was sent directly to me from Jody Schor.  I am posting it for her:

From:  Jo Schor

A life well lived. Her memory will be a blessing to all who knew her.

11/23/19 12:24 PM #13    

Joan Shafran

Nancy was my friend throughout the decades since Shaker High School. We corresponded in college, hung out together, later sent emails and sometimes visited. She was thoughtful, curious, tenacious and one of the dearest friends. Together with Fred they made a such a difference to so many lives. A powerful team.

In the Hebrew tradition there is something called “A Woman of Valor”.  I found this poem, that describes Nancy so well. It begins this way…

A woman of valor makes the world change 
Her strength is the content that guides through the days
Defined by her actions that bring light to all dreams 
Valor is something that's defined by her deeds. 

We will miss you.

Love, Joan

11/23/19 04:45 PM #14    

Lawrence Rivitz

Nancy and I re-connected in 1994 when my son moved to San Francisco, but we got closer when Nancy and Fred re-located to the city from Marin ten years ago.  Several times each year on our visits west, we’d meet for a long, leisurely lunch at Café de la Presse near Union Square and share our intersecting interests, whether the arts, advertising, philanthropy, family, or mutual friends from various parts of our lives.  Nancy and Fred often travelled east to see their family, which enabled my wife and me to share some time with them in Baltimore and DC, the last of which was the unveiling of the Obama portraits at the National Portrait Gallery, an unforgettable event for all of us.  I will always treasure those special times with Nancy and her determination to live her life with exceptional optimism against all odds. 

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